The Pentecostal Experience-The Operation of the Gift of Working Miracles. Part 6.

The Pentecostal Experience-The Operation of the Gift of Working Miracles. Part 6.

The essential truth of this teaching is that a miracle is a supernatural intervention, in the ordinary course of nature, a temporary suspension of the accustomed order through the spirit of God. Every one of the gifts of the spirit is miraculous. They are supernatural. In general, the use of the word miracle, all the gifts of the spirit are miracles, but specifically speaking, they are not working miracles then, is divided into specific acts such as Elijah dividing a verb by a sweep of a mantle after Elijah ascended to heaven, in the whirlwind, he received his mantle and divided the river Jordan. This was a miracle or intervention in the ordinary course of nature. I Kings 2:9-14
The realm of healing, miracles are often received, but they are not the result of work and miracles. They are healing miracles. Everything that God does is miraculous in a sense, but is not a miracle as in the case of turning water into wine, just by speaking a word– that is working miracles and miracle, therefore is a supernatural intervention in the ordinary course of nature, a temporary suspension of the custom order, and interruption of the system of nature, as we know it, operated by the force of the spirit of God.

Working of Miracles in the Old Testament
The working of miracles was more prominent, and the Old Testament in the New Testament people. Although people are healed in the gifts of healing were an operation in the Old Testament, because healing was more prevalent in the New Testament. When Aaron threw down his rod, it turned into a serpent Exodus 7:10 that was working a miracle when dust was turning into insects Exodus 8:16 and the other plagues that followed. These were the work of getting a miracles and operation. When Israel exited Egypt, the part of the Red Sea was a miracle. But when Moses looked to the Lord as the Egyptians were fast coming upon them, Lord told him to stretch forth his rod and Moses obeyed and the red sea divided. That was a working, a miracle, divine intervention, in the ordinary course of events.

Working of Miracles in the New Testament
In the New Testament, there are many workings of miracles that we can see. Many took miracles place in the ministry of Jesus as well as the apostles. And John 6:5-14 we see that Jesus took a little boy’s lunch and fed over 5000 people and had 12 baskets left over of food. In Acts 5:1-5 we see the working of a miracle to carry out divine judgment against Ananias and Sapphira and they’re keeping money back when he promised it to the apostles. The judgment of God struck them dead.
There are many instances with the working of power where God use supernatural manifestation to save peoples life like he did with the apostle Paul, when the boat was about to go under. Acts 27. The mighty work of God, and using miracles is to establish his dominion and omnipotence in a world, full of unbelief and sin.