Forensic Victimology; Understanding Violent Crimes.

Forensic Victimology; Understanding Violent Crimes.


In the realm of criminal justice, the word victim describes any person who has experienced any injury, loss, or hardship, due to illegal actions of another individual or organization. For all intents and purposes, victimology refers to the scientific study of victimization, including the relationship between victims and offenders, the influence of social media, and even social movements. The problem is that violence does not have a standard, or fixed definition per se. Definitions of violence are different between different countries and cultures and different times and contexts.
We will only touch on several different points presenting a brief overview of forensic victimology. We will examine at a general and theoretical level the different types of violence. This study will also focus on describing aspects of the lives and lifestyles of victims to gain a better understanding of how they became victims, what took place, and their relationship to the offender. We are not going to assign blame per se, but within victimology, it’s important to understand the dynamics of the criminal behavior as well as victims themselves. But we must understand the impact of collective trauma in peoples lives and how that builds a different psyco-social construction of their reality and life experiences different from ours.
It is also important to understand that in no way are we suggesting that offenders are not responsible for their actions. Each and every one of us have a God given will to follow Him or own narcissistic desires. This teaching is based on both my professional experience and academic preparation. I have used many resources for this teaching. If you would like this information, it will be listed under this teaching listed under “Current Events” which is located on our webpage;

Explanations of Violence

Influencers of Mental Disorders and Substance Abuse.

There are many different reasons for aggression that relate to the person’s mind or body, and predisposition towards violence. I have labeled this as a person’s psyco-social construction of their reality.
There are a variety of mental disorders that can affect a person’s behavior. Schizophrenia, both homicidal and paranoid delusional, are considered more likely to be associated with violence and other forms of illnesses. Psychopathic disorders is a persistent and ongoing disability of the mind. The psychopathic checklist suggests a lack of empathy, callousness, and crucially lack of remorse or guilt or key predictors of psychopathic behavior. Furthermore, it includes indicators, such as superficial charm, grandiose, sense of self-worth, prone to boredom, pathological line, lack of realistic, long-term plans and impulsivity.
Also, ongoing research has indicated growing awareness of Posttraumatic, Stress Disorder, and some individuals suffering from this experience range of symptoms, including problems of concentration and memory, a constant alert, awareness to danger and extreme cases. Some have a need to reenact the traumatic situation that aligns her condition. This can be a precursor for violent behavior.
Of course, all these above-mentioned symptoms can be exasperated when we involve self-medication of drugs and or alcohol. Both affect behavior and constraints. Data shows that those prone to violent offences were either on drugs or drinking period two third of offenders intoxicated when they killed.

Sociological Theories; Poverty, Strain, and Crime.

Sociological theories are also indicators for some propensity towards violence. These are considered learning theories. Differential association expressed by Edwin. Sutherland stated that behavior is learned in interaction with others, mainly small, intimate groups. Most people encounter individuals who think law should be obeyed, but there are those that think that laws could be broken. Differential Association Theory is based on two key factors; learning takes place for the intimate personal groups, and the context of what is learned includes that committed to personal experiences as well as definitions towards future events. Another theorist named Bandura indicated that the use of physical violence against children is not necessarily based on learning theories. He said some people who inflict such violence have often been victims themselves. This is basically attributed to the lack or failure of socialization in childhood. Research into delinquent and aggressive children has shown that their behavior can be linked to the use of violence by their parents both on one another and on their children.
Furthermore, the visual portrayal of violence has a significant effect on younger viewers. Some studies have indicated that television viewing habits and aggressive behavior for both boys and girls have a tendency for more violent programs. Many studies of the behavior of children have indicated that there is an increase in violent and antisocial behavior of those children who are exposed to violent programs. To some degree this is the theory behind copycat killers. There was a release of a movie in 1984 called natural born killers. Another one was called child’s play 3. These are typical types of movies that have been linked to aggressive and or violent behavior with young offenders.

Psychological Aspects of Victimology

There are variety of psychological aspects attributed to the response of victims to violent crime. To come up with a solid definition is difficult if not impossible because different people respond differently. However there appears to be 3 stages or phases that victims go through. The first is the impact stage, then the recoil stage, and finally the reorganization stage the impact stage is the initial response to assault. The intensity and length of the assault and the level of physical injury and perceived threat to life or functionally paralyze even some minor assaults. The recoil stage is when the victims attempt to deal with the effect of the crime on themselves and their lives. Emotions will vary from sadness, anger, self-pity, fear, and even guilt. It is this stage where denial sets in and even detachment is sometimes evident period. It is very important during this stage to allow the victim over time to slowly come to grips with what would have happened to them. The 3rd and final stage involve reorganization. This emotional intensity of the recoil stage is expected to lessen and the victim has more energized to deal with life daily activities. Some people can pass through all stages quickly others have appeared never to finish the process. In any event post-traumatic stress disorder is as evident in their lives as other syndromes present. This is wolves the battered woman syndrome or domestic violence. The rape syndrome it’s both a sexual and violent act and it’s about the control and anger which are the motivators for the crime. Therefore, the consideration of these factors, and the response of victims to violent crimes, can benefit from appropriate behavioral health interventions when needed and supported by network of family, friends, and agencies.

Victim Lifestyle and Exposure

Victimology is a very important topic, because there must be an examination of how the victim became a victim and their relationship to the offender helps solve the crime. The main purpose of classifying victims is exposure lifestyle exposure as to which to achieve an understanding of how the victim’s lifestyle conditions might have intensified their exposure to violent crime. Research has included that there’s a low, medium and high in extreme high lifestyle exposure that increases the possibility of suffering harm. I exposure victims or those exposed to the possibility of suffering harm or loss more than not. An example would be a child who lives in an abusive and neglectful environment with one parent or another. Medium exposure victims are those who are exposed to the possibility of suffering harm or loss often. An example would be a college student who engages in excessive bridge binge drinking. Low exposure victims are those who are really exposed to the possibility of suffering harm. These victims rarely engage in behaviors or put themselves in harm. Lifetime lifestyle exposure refers to the frequency of exposure of the victim in the different categories indicated. Lifestyle factors can influence the overall possibility of individuals harm and three ways. One by increasing the victim’s proximity to and interactions with the offender those who are predisposed to criminality. Creating conditions of conflict with the offender by enhancing the offender’s perception of the victim’s vulnerability. And there are victims’ lifestyles which facilitate victimization through their routine activities. These lifestyle factors which we have spoken about may increase the exposure and vulnerability of victim’s period.

False Allegations of Crime

Most of the false reports that we find are mentioned in the press, and or outside of formal scientific research. However, the subject of false reports is there, and should be taken into consideration in investigation of Victimology. Some reaches found that people are threatened with sanctions, who are not politically acceptable, and are blackmailed and threatened. The problem is Victimology is very emotional, but professionals must be objective in there. The problem is those who make these allegations that are false nature really suffer any type of legal consequences.
The FBI unified uniform crime report noted that 30% of all raped and alleged sexual assaults reported to the police were determined by investigations to be unfounded. This writer also, through his professional employment and law-enforcement, found that mostly and custody disputes one parent or the other will make up allegations of sexual abuse, which he found at least 60% to be unfounded. False report may be an active revenge by the alleged victim. Another factor might be the need for attention. Another might be for profit or material gain. Also, it might be an alibi for inappropriate behavior and loss of virginity or sexually transmitted diseases. And finally, a change of heart after consensual sexual encounter.
Most alleged allegations of false reporters will name or even provide details of a subject in their complaint. Accusing a stranger is a red flag for many investigators. The pseudo victim claims an overwhelming force was used and that they resisted greatly, or that there were multiple assailants, even though there’s an absence of any injuries. Also, most victims cannot remember certain details, but pseudo victims sometimes are very detailed or very vague. Pseudo victims are also very indifferent to their injuries. They’re also very vague about where the crime was.
In summary, false confessions could have a variety of different reasons or circumstances that are being investigated. Is not this writer’s intention to criticize any victims reporting but unfortunately, there are those who use this for other than legitimate purposes.


In conclusion, not only as a psychologist, but is a Christian minister. I understand that many of these factors that we examined regarding Forensic Victimology and violent crimes, have a tremendous impact upon people’s lives. Not only in a temporal, but also in the long-term. We must understand the impact of collective trauma in people’s lives and how that builds a different psyco-social construction of their reality and life experiences different from ours. However, I must also indicate that if a person truly repents and turns their back on this type of behavior and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, there can be no true healing that takes place. Everything that has its basis, physically, psychologically, and emotionally has its root spiritually. As mankind in their rebellion to the give accountability for their conduct to Father God have drifted further into darkness. I have witnessed that their journey into darkness has had tremendous repercussions upon themselves and their victims. Over the years, I have dealt with many people from all walks of life and I have seen over and again that when people fail to surrender to the Lordship of Christ, there is no healing in their lives. Mankind is rebellious, and do not want to become accountable to father God, and His truth. For those who are truly tired and repented of a life of violence can find true healing through the power of God. There are no lost causes for Jesus!

Jones. S. (2000). Understanding Violent Crime. Open University Press.
Meloy, J. (1992). Violent Attachments. Jason Aronson Inc.
Turvey, B. (2009). Forensic Victimology; Examining Violent Crimes. Elservier Academic Press.