The Challenge? Are You Up For It?

The Challenge? Are you Up For It?

Hi, My Name, is Bryan, I am sorry for the picture but this is from my Prison ID card. At the age of 19, I was arrested and later convicted of Attempted Voluntary Manslaughter and I am serving 20 years in a California State Prison. I had no hope. My background was like most young men growing up without a father. I began using drugs at a very early age I joined a gang. I guess I was trying to drown out the pain that I had experienced most of my life. However, and 2016 on Easter Sunday morning on a level 4 prison I gave my life to Christ because I realize I couldn’t live any longer without Him. I went back to my cell and I told my cellmate that I was now a Christian. He stated that he did not agree with that and punched me in the eye. I was bleeding so I asked him to move so I could wash the blood off of my face. He later asked me why I didn’t fight him and I told him that Jesus stated in His word to love our enemies. He was astonished at my commitment to Christ. However, it was kind of embarrassing because when I went to the yard everyone saw my black eye.
I’m attending on Sunday mornings with about 100 other inmates listening to the teachings of Dr. Timothy Emerick and his wife Claudia. I was attending one of the services given by Dr. Emerick who was preaching and he gave us a challenge. He said to be a witness for Christ. He said walk up to the biggest baddest guy on the yard and tell him that you’re a Christian and that you would like to pray for him and for his loved ones in the name of Jesus.
I walked out of the church service with this challenge that Dr. Emerick gave to each man attending. Later that night as I was standing in line to use the microwave and a fellow prisoner who I called Mr. Meanie stood behind me. He has always been foul mouth, very rude and would fight a lot. So bad was his character he almost started a race riot in the prison. I got up the courage and told him I was a Christian and if he needed prayer. He made a sarcastic remark stating that he was a Christian also. I gave him a fist bump and this was my first opportunity to witness for Jesus. If I can do it with Mr. Meanie you can do it also!!!

Be the light to the meanies in the world!