From Mohammed to Jesus-Part 2

From Mohammed to Jesus-Part 2
Once again, Mr. Salaam continues with this personal testimony. He has faithfully is attending our Sunday’s services for two years now.

After being led in the sinner’s prayer in the early hours went to my brother Ronald’s house. My plan was to go to his church where I was to be baptized. It was about 4:00 am when I gave my life to Christ. I had been up approximately up three to four days straight feeding my cocaine addiction before asking Jesus to come into my life. I could not take my life anymore so I cried out to Jesus to save me. I immediately felt a great burden lifted from me and I received a surge of fresh energy. I went to my brother’s house with the intention to get some rest period however I couldn’t still so I was driven to shower clean myself up put on my one of my brother’s suits.
I was overwhelmed with a burning desire to tell people the Good News that came all over me (Jeremiah 20:9). It was like a fire burning in my heart to tell everyone about Jesus now Lord of my life. I was compelled to start walking to my brother’s church which was maybe two miles away. However, along the way I had a desire to approach any person I saw on the street with a smile and a handshake that Jesus is Lord.
After walking some time, I came to Pastor Moore’s church. He is the husband of my ex-wife where my adult children also attend. I walked down the aisle and stood by him who was addressing the congregation now with everyone’s eyes fixed upon me and there I smiled and proclaimed Jesus is Lord (1 Corinthians 12:3) which was a shock to everyone because all they ever heard me profess was Muhammad and Islam. I then quietly walked out of the church and continued my very journey down the street and I heard my eldest daughter calling dad. When she caught up with me, she asked if I was alright what had happened, I told her I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. We walked to my brother’s Ronald’s church to be baptized all the way rejoicing and thanking God.

Jesus is Lord!